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Potential meeting times

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Potential meeting times

Posted by Stacy Philpott at February 16. 2007

Hi All,

After receiving schedules from most of us (we have 9 in our group now - welcome Valentino) it looks like the following times will work for at least 6 of the 7 who have replied:

11-1 (EST) on Wednesay or Thursday and
2-5 (EST) on Thursday

I'm hoping that Oliver or Luz Astid are available during one of those times. As soon as I know, I'll send out a time.

Have a great weekend! 


Re: Potential meeting times

Posted by Stacy Philpott at February 19. 2007
Hi All,

(repito en espaniol abajo)

According to your schedules, we can all meet on Thursdays between 12-2 EST (this is from 11-1 in Costa Rica and Iowa, and 9-11 in California). I'm so glad that we could find a time when we can all meet.

Before this week's discussion (on Feb. 22), be sure to do the following:
1) Review the mechanisms lecture posted in Mechanisms folder
2) Read the two papers in the Week 5 readings folder
3) Come to the discussion with 2 questions about mechanisms or the readings to discuss
4) Post at least one idea for a project in the mechanisms discussion page
5) Post your CV on the student CV page and write a brief intro to your interests on the mechanisms discussion page so that we can get to know eachother

Also, I have not received any nominations for theme leader - and these are due by tomorrow evening (Feb 20).
If you are interested, please send me a few paragraphs outlining why you want to be the theme leader and why you think you would do a good job.

From here out, I will switch to putting all notices on the web page - I just wanted to make sure that you are all there!


Segun nuestras agendas, se puede reunir los Jueves entre 12-2 EST (11-1 en Costa Rica y Iowa, y 9-11 en California). Me alegro que econtramos una hora en cuando todos se pueden reunir!

Antes de la discussion de este semana (Feb. 22), asegurarse hacer lo siguiente:
1) Revisitar la charla de "Mechanisms" en la carpeta de mechanisms
2) Leer los dos articulos en la carpeta de "Week 5".
3) Preparar 2 preguntas sobre mechanismos o sobre los articulos para discutir el Jueves
4) Poner en la pagina de discussion minimo una idea para el proyecto
5) Poner tu curriculum en la pagina para Student CV, y escribir una introduccion breve sobre tus intereses para que estamos conociendo un poco mas.

No he recibido ningun nominacion para "theme leader". Si estas interesada, manda me un parrafo sobre porque quiere dirigir el proyecto y que calificaciones tienes para tener exito en ese funcion.

Desde entonces, estare discutiendo solo en la pagina de internet NCEAS- solo quieria aseguar que todos estamos listos!


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